Bonfires from the Souls franchise have been replaced with Sites Of Lost Grace in Elden Ring. Learn more about these important checkpoints in our complete Sites Of Lost Grace guide!
Elden Ring Sites Of Lost Grace Explained
Sites Of Lost Grace in Elden Ring are the equivalent of Bonfires in Dark Souls. These important locations allow players to rest and restore resources, level up, remove negative effects, recharge flasks, memorize spells and much more.
By resting at a Site Of Lost Grace, players can bring up a variety of menu options including:
- Pass Time
- Level Up
- Flasks
- Memorize Spell
- Mix Wonderous Physick
- Sort Chest
- Ashes Of War
- About Melina
- Leave
A player accessing the menu through a Site Of Lost Grace.
How To Find Sites Of Lost Grace
Sites Of Lost Grace can be found literally everywhere in the Lands Between. Initially these sites will not appear on your map, but they can be discovered by exploring. Once discovered, Sites Of Lost Grace can be fast traveled to at almost any time.
When a player approaches near to a Site Of Lost Grace in the world thin trails of gold will rise into the air, signaling the presence of a nearby Site Of Lost Grace. This can be very helpful because these sites are small and would be easy to miss otherwise
Using Sites Of Lost Grace To Fast Travel In Elden Ring
Players in Elden Ring can fast travel to any Site Of Lost Grace they have previously discovered on the map for free. The only exceptions to this are:
- The player cannot be engaged in combat.
- The player cannot be engaged in PVP.
- The player cannot fast travel into or out of a Dungeon.
The fact that players in Elden Ring will be able to fast travel to different Sites Of Grace around the world at no cost is huge step towards opening up the game world and making the game more accessible.
While inside a dungeon you will NOT be able to fast travel to a Site Of Lost Grace as shown by the red slashes.
Sites Of Lost Grace And Story Progression
Sites Of Lost Grace also serve to advance the story of Elden Ring and point players in the direction of their next objective. This is because Sites Of Lost Grace are often the location for important story-based cutscenes with your maiden, Melina.
After resting at a Site Of Lost Grace, players should also pay close attention to the direction of those wispy, golden trails as these can often blow in the direction of your next critical objective or location.
Sites Of Lost Grace And Story Progression
Sites Of Lost Grace also serve to advance the story of Elden Ring and point players in the direction of their next objective. This is because Sites Of Lost Grace are often the location of important story-based cutscenes with your maiden, Melina.
After resting at a Site Of Lost Grace, players should also pay close attention to the direction of those wispy, golden trails as these can often blow in the direction of your next critical objective or location.
Sites Of Lost Grace And Enemy Respawn
Resting at a Site Of Lost Grace will cause most enemies in Elden Ring to respawn with the exception of defeated bosses.
Sites Of Lost Grace And Crafting Materials
Most Crafting Materials in Elden Ring will also respawn in the open world once players rest as a Site Of Lost Grace.
How To Pass Time At A Site Of Lost Grace
Players can rest until a specific time of day or night in Elden Ring by approaching a Site Of Grace and resting there, then using the Pass Time option. In Elden Ring, certain enemies or quest events may only be available during specific times of day or night.
How To Level Up At A Site Of Lost Grace
Bonfires for leveling up in the Souls series have been replaced with Sites Of Lost Grace in Elden Ring. To Level Up just approach any Site Of Lost Grace to begin resting, then choose the Level Up option. In the Level Up screen players will be able to spend Runes to purchase their next Level Up as well as choose an Attribute to increase.
How To Distribute Your Flask Charges At A Site Of Grace
Players may choose to change how their Flask charges are distributed in Elden Ring at any Site Of Lost Grace. To do so, players must approach the site to rest, then select the Flask option. From there, players will be able to distribute their total amount of flask charges in any way they choose.
How To Memorize Spells At A Site Of Grace
Players can memorize spells at any Site Of Lost Grace in Elden Ring. Players will start with 3 memorization slots.
Potions Of Wondrous Physick
Potions Of Wondrous Physick are a unique feature in Elden Ring that allows players to mix in specific effects including Restore Health, Restore FP, Restore Stamina, Area Damage and more. Resting at any Site Of Lost Grace will allow players to mix these effects together if they have the right items.
Sort Chest At A Site Of Lost Grace
Selecting the Sort Chest option at any Site Of Lost Grace will allow players to browse and sort through their items.
How To Equip Ashes Of War At A Site Of Lost Grace
Ashes Of War in Elden Ring are a unique combat feature that allows players to customize their weapon’s skills and effects. Resting at any Site Of Lost Grace and choosing the Ashes Of War option will give players the ability to remove and equip any Ash Of War to any weapon where it is allowed.
Melina and Sites Of Lost Grace
In Elden Ring the maiden Melina will often speak to players at Sites Of Lost Grace in order to advance the story or give players access to new areas and features.
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