New World Server Transfer Update
In a recent forum post by Amazon Game Studios, community manager TrevzorFTW detailed exactly how server transfers will work for New World and when they will happen.
When Will Server Transfers Be Available?
The AGS Team is still testing the Server Transfer mechanic and once they are 100% certain that no issues will arise throughout the process, Server Transfer tokens will be made available for free as promised. The latest estimated release for the server transfer is the week of October 11th.
How Do Server Transfers Work?
The following steps will need to be taken first by any player that wants to transfer their character to a different server.
- You need to log into your character, which means waiting in any applicable queues.
- Go to the in-game store where there will be a new tab to claim your character transfer token.
- You need to leave your Company.
- You need to remove any active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders.
- Your character must be located in a sanctuary location such as a settlement or outpost.
What Can Players Take With Them When Transferring Servers?
Players will be able to take the following with them when transfering servers in New World:
- All character progression (level, weapon mastery, titles, etc.).
- Faction Alliance and Faction Progress.
- Inventory items and storage inventories.
- Gold, Faction Tokens, Repair Parts and all other currencies.
- Player owned housing and housing items.
- Quest progress.
What Will NOT Transfer To A New Server?
The following will not transfer with players
- Your Company membership needs to be terminated before transferring, and will not carry over.
- Active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders must be removed and will not carry over.
- Your friends list is world specific and will not transfer.
Which Servers Can Be Transferred To?
You can move your character to any world in your region, except:
- You cannot move your character to a full world.
- You cannot move your character to a world in maintenance.
- You cannot move your character to a world set that you have an existing character in already.
More New World Content
Our team has been working on plenty of New World content, including a full Wiki site with New World guides and builds. Check it out below!
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Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of – an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now – your source for upcoming RPG news, builds, guides and more!
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