Celebrate The Home Of The Khajiit With ESO’s Pan-Elsweyr Event!
This week it was officially confirmed that the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration in-game event begins Thursday, July 22 at 10AM EDT, and will end August 3 at 10AM EDT. During this unique event, players will earn bonus loot, unique rewards, and Event Tickets by exploring and adventuring in the regions of Northern and Southern Elsweyr.
To get started, pick up the “A Visit to Elsweyr” quest from the Crown Store or travel directly to either zone. Also note that if you don’t have these DLCs yet, you can currently purchases them on sale, with 50% off the Elsweyr DLC (and 50% off the Elsweyr Collector’s Pack) as well as through the brand new Season of the Dragon pack, which includes Dragonhold, Wrathstone and Scalebreaker.
How To Get Elsweyr Coffers
When you complete certain activities in either Northern or Southern Elsweyr during the event, you’ll have a chance to receive an Elsweyr Coffer as an additional bonus reward. These activities include:
- Defeating Dragons
- Defeating Delve and World Bosses
- Opening treasure chests, safeboxes, or Thieves Troves
- Claiming a Psijic Portal
- Harvesting a Harvest Node
- Defeating a boss in the Sunspire Trial
- Opening a Dragonguard Sanctum Supply Cache
- Looting monsters or objects (such as barrels, crates, etc.)
What You Can Earn From Coffers
- Crafting materials
- Style items for the styles found within Northern and Southern Elsweyr
- Zone gear set items
- Treasure maps for Northern or Southern Elsweyr
- Transmutation Crystals
- Motif Chapters style pages from the Northern and Southern Elsweyr zones
- Pages for the new Ja’zennji Siir style
Glorious Elsweyr Coffers
The first time you complete a Daily Quest in either Northern or Southern Elsweyr each day, you’ll receive a Glorious Elsweyr Coffer, which is guaranteed to contain either a Motif Chapter style page or a page for the new Ja’zennji Siir style.
Bonus Rewards
In addition to the new coffers, the following activities will have bonus rewards:
- Double reward boxes for all Daily Quests in Northern and Southern Elsweyr
- Increased resource node rewards (not including those from fishing holes or crafting materials obtained from creatures)
- Bonus loot from World Bosses, Delve Bosses, and Dragons
- Bonus loot from the bosses in the Sunspire Trial
Event Tickets
During the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration, you can earn up to TWO Event Tickets per day by completing the following:
- One Event Ticket for completing a Daily Quest in Northern Elsweyr
- One Event Ticket for completing a Daily Quest in Southern Elsweyr
Here’s what the Impresario event merchant will stock during the event period:
- Unstable Morpholith base fragments
- Including the Deadlands Flint, Rune-Etched Striker, and Smoldering Bloodgrass Tinder
- The first fragment for the Dagonic Quasigriff (to upgrade your Unstable Morpholith with)
- Called the Smoke-Wreathed Gryphon Feather
- Ja’zennji Siir Style pages (can’t be traded)
- Group Repair Kits
This event will be your first opportunity to acquire fragments required to upgrade your Unstable Morpholith into the new Dagonic Quasigriff mount! See below.
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Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of HackTheMinotaur.com – an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now RPGDOJO.com – your source for upcoming RPG news, builds, guides and more!
Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG’s, Action RPG’s and MMO’s. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next!
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