The Confessor is one of 10 starting classes available in Elden Ring. The Confessor starts the game at level 10 with high Mind and Faith stats making it a strong choice for a caster specializing in Incantations.
Confessor Class Stats
The Confessor Class in Elden Ring is a great choice for faith-based casters in the game.
Confessor Class Starting Stats:
- 10 Vigor
- 13 Mind
- 10 Endurance
- 12 Strength
- 12 Dexterity
- 9 Intelligence
- 14 Faith
- 9 Arcane
Confessor Starting Weapons
The Confessor class in Elden Ring starts with a Broadsword as their main offensive weapon. This sword does decent damage and comes with the Square Off skill which lines up a quick running attack against your opponent that can do big damage.
The Confessor also starts with the Blue Crest Heater Shield which is one of the best starting shields in the game! This shield is so powerful that it absorbs 100% of incoming physical damage as long as you block properly and maintain your stamina. This shield alone makes the Confessor a great class for new players in Elden Ring.
Finally, the Confessor class also comes equipped with a Finger Seal which is what allows you to cast Faith-based magic spells called Incantations.
Elden Ring Confessor Starting Armor
The Confessor class in Elden Ring starts with the Confessor Armor set which includes the Confessor Hood, Confessor Armor, Confessor Gloves and Confessor Boots. These armor pieces provide a decent amount of overall protection while also resulting in a medium equip load.
Elden Ring Starting Spells
The Confessor class starts off with access to two basic Incantations: Urgent Heal and Assassin’s Approach.
The Urgent Heal spell provides a quick self heal for a small amount of FP while Assassin’s Approach reduces your Fall Damage as well as your detection radius against nearby enemies.
Elden Ring Confessor Builds
Confessor Builds are coming soon!
Which Class Is Best?
The starting class that’s best for you will depend on your preferences. Do you prefer heavy armor and a big shield? Start with the Vagabond. Do you prefer casting magic spells from range? Pick the Astrologer. Want to use a powerful Katana and Flaming Arrows at the start of the game? Go with Samurai. Each class has its own benefits and drawbacks. For more information click on a class name below or review our complete Class Guide Video for Elden Ring.
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Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of - an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now - your source for upcoming RPG news, builds, guides and more!
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