New World Musket Guide

New World Musket Introduction
In New World, the Musket is a powerful ranged weapon that shoots high damage cartridges. Muskets are ideal for keeping targets at a distance and long range combat with a high payoff for precise aim, especially headshots. Damage Over Time, Debuffs, Traps and Bombs are also a part of the Musket Skill Tree.
Musket Damage Scaling In New World
The Primary Attribute for the Musket in New World is Dexterity. The Secondary Attribute is Intelligence. Investing into either Attribute will increase the damage of your Musket’s basic attacks and special abilities, though you will see a greater bonus for investing in Dexterity.
Basic Attack Types
Standard Attack: Deals 100% Thrust Damage
Musket Skill Trees
The two Skill Trees available for the Musket are Sharpshooter and Trapper.
Musket Skills And Passives
This list includes the primary skills for the Musket as well as their underlying passives.
New World Musket Builds
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Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of - an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now - your source for upcoming RPG news, builds, guides and more!
Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG's, Action RPG's and MMO's. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next!

New World Updated Builds List
We’ve added even more New World Builds to our list in preparation for the game’s release!

New World Pre-download and Server Information for Launch
Players looking forward to New World release now have a date for Pre-Downloading the game as well as a full list of server names for launch.