New World Hatchet Guide

New World Hatchet Introduction
In New World, the Hatchet is a diverse weapon that allows for ranged throwing attacks or rapid close quarters attacks. The Hatchet is a strong choice for your main offensive weapon and offers many amazing skills that can be used in a variety of situations including PVE and PVP content.
Hatchet Damage Scaling In New World
The Primary Attribute for the Hatchet in New World is Strength. The Secondary Attribute for the Hatchet is Dexterity. Investing into either Attribute will increase the damage of your Hatchet’s basic attacks and special abilities, though you will see a greater increase when investing in Strength.
Hatchet Basic Attack Types
Light Attack: Deals 100% Slash Damage
Light Ender: Deals 105% Slash Damage
Heavy Attack: Deals 120% Slash Damage
Charged Heavy Attack: Deals 160% Slash Damage
New World Hatchet Skills
The primary active skills for the Hatchet in New World are:
Detailed explanations as well as possible upgrades for each skill are shown below. Click on a Skill Name for more information.
Hatchet Berserker Tree – Active Skills
Skill #1
Triggers a Berserk Mode that increases all attack damage by 20% while active. Berserk Mode will be active for 12 seconds. Cooldown will trigger once Berserk ends.
Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian Gem equipped in your Hatchet, this ability causes an 8s taunt to all enemies within 8m. Taunt causes monsters to focus on you.
Cooldown: 18.0
Weapon Tree: Berserker
Tier I

Berserking Refresh
While Berserk is active, gain a portion of your health back every 4 seconds to a max of 30% of max HP.
Tier III

Berserking Purge
Triggering Berserk removes all Crowd Control effects (Stuns, Slows, Roots) from the player.
Tier IV

Uninterruptible Berserk
While in Berserk, your attacks are uninterruptible during Berserk and you can't be staggered.
Tier V
Skill #2
Feral Rush
A sprinting melee attack that causes the player to leap forward, hitting twice. The first hit deals 115% and the 2nd deals 130% weapon damage.
Cooldown: 12.0
Weapon Tree: Berserker
Tier II

Crippling Strikes
If Feral Rush hits a target in the back, it causes Root, immobilizing target for 2 seconds.
Tier IV
Skill #3
Raging Torrent
Perform four fast attacks each dealing 90% weapon damage.
Cooldown: 15.0
Weapon Tree: Berserker
Tier III

Aggressive Approach
Hitting a target with Raging Torrent grants Haste, increasing movement speed by 20% for 6 seconds.
Tier IV

Final Blow
Press Light Attack at the end of Raging Torrent to deal a final attack dealing 120% weapon damage.
Tier V
Hatchet Throwing Tree – Active Skills
Skill #1
Rending Throw
Throw an axe dealing 110% weapon damage and applying Rend, reducing target's damage absorption by 10% for 10s.
Cooldown: 15.0
Weapon Tree: Throwing
Tier I

Rending Throw deals an additional 20% damage if target already has an active Debuff.
Tier III

Second Wind
Using Rending Throw on a target with an active debuff reduces ability cooldown by 20%.
Tier V
Skill #2
Social Distancing
Throw an axe forward and dodge backwards, dealing 130% weapon damage and slowing targets by 15% for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 15.0
Weapon Tree: Throwing
Tier II

Quick Power
Player Movement speed increased to 30% for 3 seconds if ability hits a target with an active debuff.
Tier III

Skill #3
Infected Throw
Throw an axe that deals 150% weapon damage and triggers Disease and weakens target for 5s.
Disease reduces targets healing efficiency by 30%.
Weaken reduces target's damage by 10%.
Cooldown: 15.0
Weapon Tree: Throwing
Tier III

Mortal Power
Increased duration of disease and weaken to 8 seconds on targets below 30% Health.
Tier IV

Aerial Transmission
Creates a 3 meter disease AOE on Impact that lingers in place for 3 seconds.
Tier V
Hatchet Berserker Tree – Passive Skills
Enraged Strikes
If target is below 30% health your Light and Heavy attacks deal 20% more damage.
Tier I
Accumulated Power
After 3 successful light attacks against the same target: gain Empower, granting a 30% damage increase for 3 seconds or until the next attack.
Tier I
Relentless Fury
After a successful Heavy attack: gain Empower granting a 30% damage increase for 3 seconds or after 4 attacks.
Tier II
Desperate Refresh
All cooldowns are reduced by 2% when hitting an enemy with an attack while your Health is below 30%
Tier II
Fortifying Strikes
Hitting the same target with 3 light attacks grants Fortify, increasing damage absorption by 15% for 3 seconds.
Tier IV
Frenzied Purge
When hitting an enemy while your health is below 30%: Removes all Bleed, Burn, and Poison DoT effects from the player. (60 second cooldown)
Tier V
Defy Death
When you receive lethal damage: Avoid death, reduce to 50 HP and gain immortality for 30 seconds. (75 second cooldown)
Tier VI
Hatchet Throwing Tree – Passive Skills
Aimed Throw
Replaces block with an Aimed Throw that deals 95% weapon damage. Hold RMB to enter aimed stance. Each throw consumes 20 Stamina.
Tier I
Critical Throw
Thrown axes are now capable of triggering headshot or random critical hit.
Also increases critical hit chance of all attacks by 5%.
Tier I
Rejuvenating Crits
Successful Critical Hits with Light Attacks or Aimed Throws regenerates 10 Stamina.
Tier II
Refreshing Throws
Thrown Hatchets against targets with an active debuff reduces all cooldowns by 5%.
Tier III
Boot And Rally
Light Attacks and Aimed Throws regenerate 10 stamina when hitting targets with an active debuff.
Tier V
Persistent Hinderance
Successful throwing axe hits extends all hatchet debuff durations by 30%.
Tier VI
New World Hatchet Perks
Each active skill for the Hatchet in New World can be further enhanced with Perks that can be found on armor or weapons. The 6 Perks that directly effect the Hatchet are:
- Keen Berserk
- Energizing Feral Rush
- Refreshing Torrent
- Energizing Rending Throw
- Mending Infected Throw
- Vorpal Distancing Throw
Recommended Hatchet Trait Gems
Traits in New World add another layer of power and customization to your Hatchet Build. Traits can be acquired by slotting gems into a Weapon or Armor Gem Slot.
We recommend the following Traits/Gems for Hatchet users:
- Opal – increase damage by 6-15% while Stamina is not full.
- Diamond – increase damage and healing by 6-15% while at full Health.
- Emerald – increase damage by 8-20% against targets with less than 30% Health.
New World Hatchet Builds
Hatchet / Life Staff Build: Immortal Warrior
The Ultimate Solo Build For New World With Strong Damage And Even Better Healing and Defense!
Sword And Shield / Hatchet Tank Build: META TANK
The EASY Meta Tank Build for New World Group Content! Great Defense, Healing and AOE Taunts!
Bow / Hatchet Solo Build: Hunter
Easy ONE-SHOT Kills plus MASSIVE Melee Damage! This Bow / Hatchet Build for New World Can Do It ALL!
Hatchet / Great Axe DPS Build: Mauler
Kill Things FAST With This Extremely EASY DPS Build For New World Using Great Axe And Hatchet.
More New World Weapons
One Handed
Two Handed
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