New World Ice Gauntlet Guide

New World Ice Gauntlet Introduction
In New World, the Ice Gauntlet consumes Mana to summon the freezing power of Ice Spells. The Ice Gaunlet is a fantastic option for healers, crowd control and defensive builds due to its ability to summon freezing Ice storms, offensive pillars and slow-inducing ice fields.
Ice Gauntlet Damage Scaling In New World
The Primary Attribute for the Ice Gauntlet in New World is Intelligence. With increased Intelligence your Ice Gauntlet basic attacks and skills will do more damage.
Basic Attack Types
Light Attack: Deals 100% Ice Damage
Heavy Attack: Deals 140% Ice Damage
Ice Gauntlet Ice Tempest Tree Active Skills
The following Active Skills are available in the Ice Gauntlet Ice Tempest Tree.
Click on a Skill Name below to learn more.
Skill #1
Ice Spikes
Creates a trail of spikes that start from the player and go out in a straight line for 8 meters dealing 56% weapon damage. The path ends with a Mighty Spike that will deal 157% weapon damage and apply pushback. Pressing LMB before reaching the end of the path will spawn the Mighty Spike early.
Costs 15 Mana.
Cooldown: 10.0
Weapon Tree: Ice Tempest
Tier I
Skill #2
Ice Storm
A ranged attack that deals 17% weapon damage every 0.25 seconds and slows enemies within a 5 meter radius frosted area. 25% slow, 20 meter range, and 5 second duration.
Costs 25 Mana.
Cooldown: 20.0
Weapon Tree: Ice Tempest
Tier II
Skill #3
Wind Chill
A player aimable attack that blasts a column of freezing winds that push back enemies 5 meters while dealing 16% weapon damage each hit. Wind Chill has a total range of 7 meters with the farthest 2 meters increasing damage 20% without pushing enemies.
Player is able to move during the attack.
Cost 20 Mana.
Cooldown: 15.0
Weapon Tree: Ice Tempest
Tier III
Ice Gauntlet Builder Tree Active Skills
The following Active Skills are available in the Ice Gauntlet Builder Tree.
Click on a Skill Name below to learn more.
Skill #1
Ice Pylon
A placed Ice Pylon that fires ice projectiles dealing 50% weapon damage at enemies within a 20 meter range for 15 seconds or until killed. Ice Pylon creates a 1 meter radius frost area that enables frost powers.
Costs 15.0 Mana.
Cooldown: 10.0
Weapon Tree: Builder
Tier I
Skill #2
Ice Shower
Summon a shower of ice that creates a frosted area approximately 1 meter by 5 meters. Enemies that enter the Ice Shower will be stricken with a powerful Frostbite. Frostbite roots for 1 second, blocks sprinting and dodging, slows speed by 50%, and will remain on target for 3 second after exiting the Ice Shower. Ice Shower has a lifetime of 4 seconds.
Costs 25.0 Mana.
Cooldown: 20.0
Weapon Tree: Builder
Tier II
Skill #3
Player can entomb themselves in ice to become invulnerable and greatly increase mana regen. The Ice Tomb has a lifetime of 10 seconds and can be destroyed. Players have two options to cancel Entomb, exit by pressing RMB or break out of the Ice Tomb by pressing LMB causing a damaging knockback for 20 mana.
Costs 10 Mana.
Cooldown: 30.0
Weapon Tree: Builder
Tier III
New World Ice Gauntlet Builds
Life Staff / Ice Gauntlet Healer Build: Frost Cleric
Great Group Healing and Crowd Control make this the Perfect Healer Build for Expeditions and Group content in New World!
More New World Weapons
One Handed
Two Handed
Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of - an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now - your source for upcoming RPG news, builds, guides and more!
Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG's, Action RPG's and MMO's. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next!

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