New World Bow Guide

New World Bow Introduction
In New World, the Bow is a versatile ranged weapon that can rapidly fire arrows or be fully drawn to achieve maximum damage. Bows are a great option for maintaining distance while also utilizing a variety of skills to damage and hinder targets.
Bow Damage Scaling In New World
The Primary Attribute for the Bow in New World is Dexterity. With increased Dexterity your Bow’s basic attacks and special abilities will do more damage.
Basic Attack Types
Short Draw: Deals 100% Thrust Damage
Long Draw: Deals 170% Thrust Damage
New World Bow Skill Trees
The two Skill Trees available for the Bow in New World are Skirmisher and Hunter.
New World Bow Skills
The primary active skills for the Bow in New World are:
Detailed explanations as well as possible upgrades for each skill are shown below. Click on a Skill Name for more information.
Bow Skirmisher Tree – Active Skills
Skill #1
Evade Shot
Leap back 5m and shoot an arrow dealing 125% weapon damage.
Cooldown: 15.0
Weapon Tree: Skirmisher
Tier I

Skill #2
Rain Of Arrows
Shoot a barrage of arrows 7 meters wide that deals 150% weapon damage.
Cooldown: 25.0
Weapon Tree: Skirmisher
Tier II

Barbed Arrows
Rain of Arrows causes bleed dealing 85% weapon damage over 12. (max 3 stacks)
Tier III

Hooked Arrows
Rain of arrows causes a 15% slow for 4s. (Slow reduces targets movement speed.)
Tier IV
Skill #3
Poison Shot
Shoot a poison arrow that on hit or land creates a cloud of poison 3m wide that lasts 6s. Foes entering the cloud are poisoned dealing 10% weapon damage per second for 20s.
Cooldown: 35.0
Weapon Tree: Skirmisher
Tier III

Bow Hunter Tree – Active Skills
Penetrating Shot
Shoot an arrow dealing 150% weapon damage that passes through targets and continues for 100 meters.
Cooldown: 18.0
Weapon Tree: Hunter
Tier I

Splinter Shot
Shoot an arrow out 10 meters it then splits into 3 arrows dealing 50% weapon damage.
Cooldown: 22.0
Weapon Tree: Hunter
Tier II

Rapid Shot
Shoot 3 consecutive arrows. The first two dealing 100% weapon damage each. The last shot causes a knockback and deal 125% weapon damage.
Cooldown: 20.0
Weapon Tree: Hunter
Tier III

Rapid Accuracy
If all 3 arrows consecutively hit the same target Rapid Shot’s cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Tier IV

Bow Skirmisher Tree – Passive Skills
Catch Me If You Can
If surrounded by 3 or more foes within 3m of you gain 20% Haste (you move faster.)
Tier I
Bow Hunter Tree – Passive Skills
When you land a headshot you deal 20% more damage and have a chance to get your arrow back.
Tier VI
New World Bow Perks
Each active skill for the Bow in New World can be further enhanced with Perks that can be found on armor or weapons. The 6 Perks that directly effect the Bow are:
- Empowering Splinter Shot
- Fortifying Rain Of Arrows
- Refreshing Penetrating Shot
- Energizing Evade Shot
- Enfeebling Poison Shot
- Penetrating Rapid Shot
Recommended Bow Trait Gems
Traits in New World add another layer of power and customization to your Bow Build. Traits can be acquired by slotting gems into a Weapon or Armor Gem Slot.
Click on a Gem link below for more information.
New World Bow Builds
Bow / Hatchet Solo Build: Hunter
Easy ONE-SHOT Kills plus MASSIVE Melee Damage! This Bow / Hatchet Build for New World Can Do It ALL!
More New World Weapons
One Handed
Two Handed
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