New World Rapier Guide

New World Rapier Introduction
In New World, the Rapier is a speed-oriented Melee Weapon that utilizes a variety of quick leaping and lunge attacks. The Rapier excels at precise timing and outmaneuvering opponents while also applying bleeds that gradually drain the target’s health.
Rapier Damage Scaling In New World
The Primary Attribute for the Rapier in New World is Dexterity. The Secondary Attribute is Intelligence. Investing into either Attribute will increase the damage of your Rapier’s basic attacks and special abilities, though you will see a greater bonus for investing in Dexterity.
Rapier Basic Attack Types
Light Attack: Deals 100% Thrust Damage
Light Middle Attacks: Deals 66% Thrust Damage
Heavy Attack: Deals 133% Thrust Damage
Blood Tree – Active Skills
Skill #1
Slash so quickly that it extends the reach of your blade. This strike deals direct damage but also applies a bleed that will deal 100% weapon damage over 12.0 seconds. This can stack up to 3 times refreshing previous applications.
Cooldown: 11.0
Weapon Tree: Blood
Tier I

Thirst For Blood
When applying the first bleed stack to an opponent this cooldown is reduced by 10.0%.
Tier III

And Again
If you hit only one target, even on a blocked hit, this cooldown is reduced by 25%
Tier IV

Proper Spacing
Improve your direct damage from Tondo by 100% if you are 4m away from your target or more.
Tier V
Skill #2
Enter a posed stance and unleash a series of five quick thrust attacks with each strike dealing more damage. Flurry can be dodge canceled at any time.
Cooldown: 16.0
Weapon Tree: Blood
Tier I

To The Bone
Each hit of Flurry extends the Rapier's bleed by 1 second. This wil also apply to future stacked applications of the same bleed, extending the entire stack.
Tier IV

Skill #3
Flourish And Finish
Flourish performs an attack knocking back enemies. Pressing 'Light Attack' at the end of Flourish will continue this ability by automatically performing 'Finish'. Finish lunges forward, consuming all Rapier bleeds on any target hit dealing 110.0% of their damage immediately.
Cooldown: 20.0
Weapon Tree: Blood
Tier II

Grace Tree – Active Skills
Skill #1
Perform a small, reliable sidestep in your current movement direction that cancels any current activity and provides momentary invulnerability. Light Attacks made during Evade are performed exceptionally fast.
Cooldown: 6.0
Weapon Tree: Grace
Tier I

Evading forward gains 15% increased damage on your next light attack. Ends on hit or after 1 second.
Tier IV

Individual successful light attacks reduce the cooldown of this ability by 30% each.
Tier V
Skill #2
Enter into a defensive stance for 1 second. If struck during this ability, counter the attacker stunning them briefly for 1.5 seconds. You are briefly invulnerable upon a successful Riposte.
Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equiped in your rapier, This ability cause a 4.0s taunt to all foes within 5m. Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.
Cooldown: 20.0
Weapon Tree: Grace
Tier II

Insult To Injury
On successful hit, all enemies within 5m of you are 30% slowed for 4s. Slow reduces movement speed.
Tier III

Skill #3
Leave the ground lunging forward for 10m in a stabbing motion piercing through enemies dealing 145.0% damage.
Cooldown: 17.0
Weapon Tree: Grace
Tier II

After performing Fleche, your next critical strike attack will have its damage increased by 15%. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Tier IV

Pressing 'Light Attack' any time during Fleche will stop and perform a static, continuation attack dealing 115% damage.
Tier V
Blood Tree – Passive Skills
Light Edge
Increase damage from both middle swipe attacks in the light attack chain by 8.0%.
Tier III
Heavy Puncture
Any heavy attack on a bleeding enemy will extend their Rapier bleeds by 2.0 seconds. This will also apply to future stacked applications of the same bleed extending the entire stack.
Tier IV
Grace Tree – Passive Skills
New World Rapier Perks
Each active skill for the Rapier in New World can be further enhanced with Perks that can be found on armor or weapons. The 6 Perks that directly affect the Rapier are:
- Energizing Flourish
- Keen Tondo
- Leeching Flurry
- Omnidirectional Evade
- Refreshing Fleche
- Sundering Riposte
Recommended Rapier Trait Gems
Traits in New World add another layer of power and customization to your Rapier Build. Traits can be acquired by slotting gems into a Weapon or Armor Gem Slot.
We recommend the following Traits/Gems for Rapier users:
- Opal – increase damage by 6-15% while Stamina is not full.
- Diamond – increase damage and healing by 6-15% while at full Health.
- Emerald – increase damage by 8-20% against targets with less than 30% Health.
New World Rapier Builds
Rapier / Musket Solo Build: Duelist
Play as the Ultimate Musketeer with this Rapier / Musket combo. Perfect for Solo PVE and PVP Combat in New World!
More New World Weapons
One Handed
Two Handed
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